Nautical Archaeology Workshop​ and MAST Annual Meeting spring of 2025

SPRING of 2025


MAST Annual Meeting

The National Museum of the Great Lakes (NMGL) and Maritime Archaeological Survey Team (MAST) are having their Nautical Archaeology Workshop and MAST Annual Meeting:

NMGL/MAST Workshop: April 26th-27th and May 17 or 18, 2025 (three day course). For more info and/or to sign-up click below to get to the link page.

MAST Annual Meeting: April 26, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the basement meeting room of the Spaghetti Warehouse, 42 S Superior St., Toledo, OH 43604. For more info and/or to sign-up click below to get to the link page.

MAST in the News

Check out M.A.S.T on Facebook Maritime Archaeological Survey Team, Surveying the Venezuela as part of the project — in Sandusky, Ohio

The latest from CLUE on the newest shipwreck in Lake Erie “The Lake Serpent

Check out the Toledo Blade news article about Carrie Sowden and MAST. It was published on March 28th, 2017.



In Summer 2016 the Maritime Archaeological Survey Team (MAST) mooring for the Morning Star historic shipwreck (Ohio Archaeological Inventory number 33LN295) served as a platform for collecting water quality data.  In a collaborative effort, the Ohio State Historic Preservation Office connected Stone Laboratory of The Ohio State University, who have water quality probes (sonde), with MAST, who has a submerged anchor block and the technical capability to install the probe.  MAST members deployed the sonde on the Morning Star anchor block Labor Day and recovered it October 1st.

Read more here...

Find out how you can volunteer for Stone Laboratory's work weekend (It's not all work!) by following this link.

MAST Wins a 2016 Ohio Historic Preservation Award

MAST and CLUE (Cleveland Underwater Explorers) are co-recipients of the Ohio Historic Preservation Merit Award for the Sultan Shipwreck Mooring Buoy and Archaeology Project in Lake Erie.  "The Preservation Merit Award is for preserving Ohio's prehistory, history, architecture, or culture.

GLHS - MAST Summer Field Work

If you would like to participate in the survey in the summer of 2024, please contact Carrie at

Past Surveys:


Our survey trips leave out of Cleveland on the Holiday.  Please know, when you sign up, you are committing to a full day - we usually leave the dock around 9 am and don't return until at least4 pm.  You will need to supply all of your own diving gear, including weights and tanks.  You will also need to bring your own lunch and beverages.  If you sign up for a full weekend, I will provide air fills for you.  If you have questions about the work, please don't hesitate to call Carrie at (419-214-5000 x 201).

Email Carrie to sign up for any dates -  

The Admiral was lost in a storm in December 1942.  There is a lot known about this shipwreck and you can begin looking at the information here.

Maritime Archaeological Survey Team

Underwater Archaeology in Ohio for Everyone

Sign up below to learn more about our ongoing training

and how to become a member

News Alert! our Most recent PUBLICATION

 The Wreck of the Brig Sultan: An Archaeological Investigation

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Holiday moored to Sultan buoy (Photo by Chris Kraska, MAST)

Holiday moored to Sultan buoy (Photo by Chris Kraska, MAST)

What is MAST?

MAST, the Maritime Archaeological Survey Team is a nonprofit avocational group dedicated to the documentation of Ohio's underwater historic resources. Formed in March of 2000, MAST is composed of volunteer individuals who support and participate in research, documentation, underwater archaeological surveys, and educational workshops.


MAST's ongoing commitment to education includes training new members on skills and techniques used for shipwrecks research, measuring, mapping and plotting. In addition, MAST works to educate our community in our historic underwater resources.

Shipwreck Surveys

MAST's shipwreck surveys have resulted in the several technical reports for shipwrecks such as the Adventure, the Hanna, and the F.H.Prince.  Additionally, these shipwrecks have been registered as official archaeological sites with the State of Ohio. MAST has also worked to produce underwater slates for the sites surveyed.

Click the buoy for the Buoy Program and Sponsorship